Swing and a miss my first VCDX defense failure
Advertise here with BSAI was not sure if I would write up anything about failing to pass my first VCDX defense panel, but since you don’t hear much about misses. I wanted to let people know that it...
View ArticleBook Review – VCDX Boot Camp from VMware Press
Advertise here with BSA If you working on your VCDX design or thinking about taking a shot at it, you will want to consider reading VCDX Boot Camp from VMware Press. This is a short focused book that...
View ArticleTwas the night before my VCDX defense panel
Advertise here with BSALike many others my journey towards earning the VCDX certification has been a long one. I thought a short write up on the final phase was in order. These are some of the things...
View ArticleVCDX Preparation index
Advertise here with BSAAfter completing my VCDX recently I thought it was in order to gather up many of the resources that I and others used to prepare. These are helpful blog posts, podcasts and...
View ArticleVMware VCDX by the numbers
Advertise here with BSAA while back I was impressed with some stats that a fellow community member Will Huber had put together. It was a study on VCDX data. He gathered data that was available...
View ArticlePaying it forward, how it helps me improve as a VCDX
Advertise here with BSAI still consider myself a youngster in the VCDX community. I’m not the FNG anymore since there was another two groups to certify after the VMworld SFO 2013 group that I was in....
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